Hurricane Ida Update & Resources
For those located in New Orleans and along the Gulf Coast, here are some resources to help you during Hurricane Ida's recovery.
Additionally, please reach out regarding your situation.
- What do you need right now?
- What do your neighbors, friends and family need right now?
- Who hasn't been or isn't being helped?
Local Utility Status
- Sewerage & Water Board Status Map
- Entergy New Orleans Status Map
- Entergy Restoration Status
Please note that these are estimates and some individual cases may take longer due to unique circumstances
- Entergy Restoration Status
- Entergy Louisiana Status Map
- Cleco Status Map
- AT&T Storm Update
- Sewerage & Water Board Updates
Nola Gas Map
Looking to fuel up⁉️ Check out the map of open gas stations, compiled by the City of New Orleans. Note that this info is self-reported by gas station owners & operators and the map will be updated as info becomes available. ⚠️Let the City know that your gas station is open for business by filling out the form here.
Sign Up For Emergency Updates
New Orleans residents, sign up here for regular status updates: Ready Nola for Emergency Updates
Disaster Unemployment Assistance
Disaster Unemployment Assistance is now available for individuals affected by Hurricane Ida in 25 parishes.
Disaster Supplemental Nutrition Assistance (DSNAP)
The Disaster Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (DSNAP) provides eligible low- to moderate-income households who do not currently receive SNAP benefits with help buying groceries due to lost income or damages following a disaster.
Searching for Contractors?
As we start dealing with contractors again, here is how you can check credentials to try to avoid being bamboozled post-hurricane. Anyone who was here, remembers Hurricane Katrina and the number of shady contractors that took money without completing jobs, etc. Do your own due diligence.
- Find out if the firm has a permanent business address and a good reputation.
- Verify contractor’s license with the Louisiana State Contractor’s Office
- Insist on a complete and clearly written contract.
- DO ask for references and DO NOT pay cash upfront.
- Visit hbagno.org for a list of “local” contractors in the New Orleans metro area who are in the home builder's association membership directory.
- You may contact WBEC South for sourcing women-owned businesses to fit your needs, as well, if you wish to be intentional about who you are giving your business to.
Additional Key Resources
- Louisiana Business Emergency Operations Center
- Louisiana Economic Development Hurricane Ida Resources
- St. Bernard Small Business Hurricane Ida Check-In Form
- Disaster Resources (Food, gas, government support, and more)
- FEMA Disaster Resources (Government agencies, programs, phone numbers and website links that may assist)
- Resources for Impacted Businesses
- Post-Storm Insurance Basics
- Disaster Help Desk for Business
- Resilience in a Box
- SBA Disaster Loan Fact Sheet (English)
- SBA Disaster Loan Fact Sheet (Spanish)
- Three Steps to SBA Disaster Assistance
- Webinar Recording: SBA GNO, Inc. Disaster Assistance for Businesses
On August 30, the National Geodetic Survey (NGS) began collecting aerial images in the aftermath of Hurricane Ida. Imagery is being collected in specific areas identified by NOAA in coordination with FEMA and other state and federal partners. Collected images are available to view online via the NGS aerial imagery viewer. View tips and a video on how to use the imagery viewer.
News Updates
- City of New Orleans Updates on Hurricane Ida
- Interactive map of road closures
- The Advocate/Times-Picayune, Lite version (for low data)
- Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport Flight Update
- Libraries open for WIFI access
Have a question? Contact deMauriac or set a time for a virtual visit.