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Directly Addressing The

Needs of Women Investors

Expert Insights

Illustration of 3 women of various races sitting at a table with a laptop | Woman investors New Orleans, LA deMauriac Financial Consulting & Wealth Management

The Certified Financial Planner logo. New Orleans, LA deMauriac Financial Consulting & Wealth Management
The Women's Business Enterprise logo. New Orleans, LA deMauriac Financial Consulting & Wealth Management

How We're Different.

How We're Different 

Guidance for woman navigation change New Orleans, LA deMauriac Financial Consulting & Wealth Management

New Orleans, LA deMauriac Financial Consulting & Wealth ManagementGuidance for Women Navigating Change

We assist in navigating major life transitions such as the death of a loved one, divorce, career shifts and going from saving for retirement to the need for strategic income planning in retirement. Providing you with comprehensive, certified financial planning and personalized guidance. Though we specifically focus on the under addressed needs of women investors, we welcome clients of all gender identities.

Certified Financial Planner TM Standard of Excellence New Orleans, LA deMauriac Financial Consulting & Wealth ManagementCertified Financial Planner™ Standard of Excellence

As an independent registered investment advisory firm operating as a fiduciary, we uphold the highest legal and ethical standard of care. Your needs ALWAYS come FIRST. 

See All of Our Services ➝

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